最佳影片|Best Film
The Farewell 《别告诉她》
(USA/美国, 2019, 1hr 40 mins)
最佳导演|Best Director
Tongdao Zhang(张同道) Born in 2000《零零后》
(China/中国, 2020, 1hr17mins)
最佳女演员 |Best Actress
Yan Liu (柳岩) My Dear Liar《受益人》
(China/中国, 2020, 2hr 01mins)
最佳男演员| Best Actor
Guillaume Tremblay WILCOX《威尔克斯生存记》
(Canada/加拿大, 2019, 1hr 6mins)
最佳观众选择 | People's Choice
The Front Line 《第一线》
(China/中国, 2020, 30 mins/EP)
最佳纪录片| Best Documentary Film
Baima Tibetan《云端上的部落》
(China/中国, 2020, 1hr)
最佳制作人 | Best Producer
Clifton Ko Chi-Sum(高志森) Dearest Anita 《拾芳》
(China/中国, 2019, 1hr 25mins)
最佳特效 | Best Special Effects
Une Tour Sur La Montagne 山顶上的建筑
(Canada/加拿大, 2020, 52 mins)
最佳短片 | Best Short Film
Through the Seasons《走过四季》
(China/中国, 2020, 32 mins)
最佳剧本 | Best Script
(China/中国, 2020, 1hr40mins)
最佳摄影 | Best Cinematography
Back to Youth 《那时风华》
(China/中国, 2019, 1hr 41mins)
最佳动画 | Best Animation
(China/中国, 2020, 8min 06s)
最佳新人 | Best New Actor
Qiu Qiu(裘逑) XI'AN BLUES 《解忧理发店》
(China/中国, 2019, 1hr 28 mins)
最佳电视剧 | Best TV Series
Realize Our Dreams 《我们在梦开始的地方 》
(China/中国, 2020, 45mins/EP)
最佳电视纪录片 | Best TV Documentary
(China/中国, 2019, 15min 07s/EP)
A conversation between Canadian and Chinese Filmmakers
2021/04/30 20:00 ~ 21:00 (蒙特利尔)
2021/05/01 08:00 ~ 09:00 (北京时间)
(扫码进会议室 或者输入 zoom号码: 838 1152 2641)
主持人 | Moderators
特邀嘉宾 | Featured Speakers
中外优秀影片线上展映月 | The online screening month
第五届中加国际电影节参选影片精彩混剪 小编每年的至爱
My Dear Liar | 2020, 2hr 01 mins
导演:申奥 Ao Shen
类型:剧情 Drama
国家:中国 China
语言:中文 Chinese
钟振江裹挟好友吴海,企图骗婚淼淼并制造意外进行骗保。吴与淼假戏真做之际,钟突然发难,对淼动手。Zhenjiang Zhong colludes with his friend Hai Wu to attempt to murder Miaomiao for fraud on high insurance. Hai seriously falls in love with Miao and can't execute the plan. At this moment, Zhenjiang can't wait any longer and starts to murder Miao himself.
The Farewell | 2019, 1hr 40 mins
导演:王子逸 Lulu Wang
类型:剧情 Drama
国家:美国 USA
语言:中文、英文 Chinese English
自小随父母移民美国的碧莉(饰演)是个如假包换的纽约人。当碧莉从父母那里得知奶奶罹患癌症、时日不多时,全家人急忙赶回中国,想要陪她度过最后 的时光。可一切远没有看起来那么简单。Billi is a New Yorker through and through, having come to America as a child with her Chinese immigrant parents. In regular calls to her Nai Nai — her grandma — back in Changchun, Billi keeps their relationship strong, seeking advice and sharing details of her life, including her plans to become a writer.
A Tower on the Mountain | 2020, 52min
导演:Paul Carvalho
类型:纪录片 Documentary
国家:加拿大 Canada
语言:法文 French
本片记载了加拿大建筑师Ernest Cormier及其丰富、热情的一生。他设计了蒙特利尔大学位于皇家山的标志性建筑,位于渥太华的加拿大最高法院,以及纽约联合国大厦的大门。这部电影展现了这位20世纪上半叶最重要的加拿大建筑师的另类生活和巨大成就。An inquiry into the astonishingly rich and passionate life of Canadian architect Ernest Cormier, who designed the iconic building of theUniversity of Montréal on Mount Royal, the home of the Canadian Supreme Court in Ottawa, and the doors of the United Nations in New York.
The Front Line 2020, 30 mins /EP
导演:赵曦 Xi Zhao
类型:纪录片 Documentary
国家:中国 China
语言:中文 Chinese
《第一线》,深入武汉七家疫情患者收治医院,真实记录了疫情爆发后的50多天里 ,深处疫情漩涡的武汉的真实状态。一个个真实的故事,展示这场疫情中的人间真情。Set during the 50 days after the breakout of COVID-19 in 7 hospitals in Wuhan, the documentary reveals the real situation of the city under pandemic. A series of real stories reflect the warmth in human nature.
Old Dog | 2020, 3min
导演:Ann Marie Fleming
类型:动画短片 Animation
国家:加拿大 Cannada
语言:英语 English
失去了最好的朋友后,一个名叫亨利的老年哈巴狗必须依靠他的主人 寻求安·玛丽·弗莱明衰老的温柔颂歌。After losing his best friend, an elderly pug named Henry must depend on his owner for help in Ann Marie Fleming’s tender ode to aging.
The Stone And The Sea | 2020, 8min
导演:胡迪 穆清 Di Hu Qing Mu
类型:动画短片 Animation
国家:中国 China
语言:中文 Chinese
被遗忘的小石子演绎着精卫填海的传说,为了心中的那片海,踏上了艰辛却不失趣味的旅途……The forgotten stone's interpretation of "The Legend of Jingwei Reclamation". It began its hard but interesting journey for the sake of the sea in its heart.
Out of Order | 2021, 56min
导演:Isabelle Chassé & Gypsy Snider
类型:纪录片 Documentary
国家:加拿大 Canada
语言:法文 French
Tongue firmly in cheek, Out Of Order is a look at the social balance between raw animal instinct and the elevation of minds, bodies and souls in an educated and conformed society.
Highway to Heaven | 2019,16 min 48s
导演:Sandra Ignagni
类型:纪录片 Documentary
国家:加拿大 Canada
语言:英语 English
一部简短的交响类纪录片,带您一窥不列颠哥伦比亚省里士满5号路的独特宗教共处。A short symphonic documentary offering a glimpse into the unique religious co-existence found along No. 5 Road in Richmond, British Columbia.
Through the Seasons | 2020, 32 mins
导演:Xiapukati Mulati
类型:短片 Short
国家:中国 China
语言:中文 Chinese
《走过四季》通过抢救性拍摄记录了即将消逝的新疆哈萨克族游牧转场文化,展现出面对自然与生死万物平等的哲学观。Through the Seasons documents the disappearing nomadic Kazak culture of Xinjiang before time runs out, and in doing so reveals the philosophy of equality with all living things and embracing both death and life.
WILCOX | 2019,1hr 6mins
导演:Denis Côté
类型:剧情 Drama
国家:加拿大 Canada
语言:法文 French
威尔科克斯仿佛代表了那些不按常规生活的人们。他穿越荒野和无名之地,创造属于自己的生活哲学。影片打破剧情片和纪录片的分界,叙事含蓄而内敛,看似呈现生命的荒芜,实则是对自身生活状态和存在意义的长久凝视。Wilcox is of those whom exist outside the norm. Traversing deserted roads and nameless fields, Wilcox sets off to create his own mythology. Deserter, delinquent, or survivalist, the adventurer quietly roams in search of something; in search of a touchstone of some kind; in search of what could more simply be described as freedom.
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