2017“中外影视译制合作高级研修班”于6月14日在沪开班。南非夸祖鲁·纳塔尔大学名誉教授柯研·托马斯里(Keyan G Tomaselli)受邀参加此次活动,并在回国后书写感悟如下:
Here is Mr. Shrestha’s interview with the CCTSS at the Shanghai Event of the 2017 Sino-Foreign Audiovisual Translation and Dubbing Workshop & Symposium.
萨尔波塔姆•什雷斯塔(Sarbottam Shrestha),他有多重身份:他是一位受人尊敬的神经内科专家,1995年毕业于武汉大学医学院,获临床神经学硕士学位;他也是尼泊尔阿尼哥协会(Nepal Arniko Society)主席,这是一个由尼泊尔留华学生组成的友好组织,为中尼文化交流做出了积极的贡献。
Vannavong Khamphao is head of the Feature Film Division at Lao’s Film Department. Having graduated from a university in China, to-date he has translated and dubbed many Chinese feature films into Lao.